Fashion & Social Media: Power to the People or the Publisher?
By using social media tools, the fashion industry can…
What It Means To be An Influencer… Online.
In the B2B world, reach is less important than depth.…
Social CustomerSocial Business
Social Business Readiness: 5 Questions for Customer Care Executives
Funny thing about customers: unlike staff, you can't make…
B2BSocial CustomerOperationsBest Practices
Social Business Readiness: 5 Questions for Marketing Executives
ocial media is all about marketing, right? Wrong. Marketing…
StrategySocial CustomerOperationsBest Practices
4 Types Of Active Members – How To Spot Them And Engage
There are different reasons why people participate in…
#CMGRCase StudySocial CustomerOperations
Social Media Leadership: Will Readers Thank You or Ignore You?
Before your marketing department skips off to push…
How To Find Your Thought Leadership Voice Online
Few seasoned marketing professionals would argue that…
Social CustomerSocial Business
Bad Social: Impact of Social Media on the IPhone 4 & AAPL Stock
"It's the antenna, stupid!" Well, sure it is. But Apple's…
Social CustomerSocial Business