Online Community Decision: Public, Private or Hybrid?

Will the online community be public, gated or a hybrid (largely public with a private, members-only area)?

3 Comments10 Minutes

What It Means To Be An Online Community Builder

For the past 15 years, cocktail parties were tough. When people would ask what I do for work, my response, "I build…

4 Comments1 Minutes

Putting Customer Events On Steroids, Why You Need An Online Customer Community

Online communities offer traditional businesses an opportunity to bridge the gap with customers and keep them connected…

1 Comment5 Minutes

Five Ways To Avoid the Valley of the Social Tools

When confronting a complex issue or decision in the absence of certainty, groups will often move to the lowest common…

0 Comments5 Minutes

Fashion & Social Media: Power to the People or the Publisher?

By using social media tools, the fashion industry can uncover a goldmine of consumer inspiration and trend-testing. The…

2 Comments8 Minutes